Negligence Solicitors
Parkinsons Disease
Alzheimers Dementia
Brain Aneurysm
Mild Brain Injury
Severe Brain Injury
Brain Haemorrhage


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A mild traumatic brain injury or concussion involves a blow to the head or jolt to the head in such a way as to affect how the brain functions. It can happen from a fall, from a sports injury or from a motor vehicle accident or other accident. It is possible to recover fully from a concussion or mild traumatic brain injury but the time of recovery from the concussion is unpredictable. If you believe that your condition has arisen or been worsened as a result of medical negligence, contact our Mild Traumatic Brain Injury solicitors for advice at no cost.

Most people who sustain a minor brain trauma recover fully within three months; however, some people have chronic problems with concentration, memory or balance even after several years post traumatic injury. Even minor accidents can yield permanent results, depending on the area of the brain affected and on the damage to the brain.

The signs and symptoms of a concussion or mild brain trauma can show up immediately following the injury or may take days or weeks to become evident. Concussion symptoms often include headaches, numbness, weakness, poor balance, poor coordination of fine motor movements, slurred speech, confusion, nausea and vomiting. A person with a mild traumatic brain injury can simply feel weird and may not act like themselves.

The cause of traumatic brain injury that is mild is damage to the delicate nerves within the brain due to trauma to the brain. It is not necessarily associated with any large bleeding in the brain or with any significant bleeding at all. Small blood vessels may bleed and there is disruption of the connections of nerve cells within the brain.

Diagnosis of mild traumatic brain injury includes taking a thorough physical and neurological examination. It can show mild changes in coordination or abnormal eye movements. Changes in the size of the pupils or paralysis of any area of the body indicate more serious trauma to the brain than a concussion and this should be treated more seriously. The finding of confusion or amnesia for the event that caused the concussion are commonly seen on examination. A CT scan or MRI scan of the brain may be completely normal in cases of concussion. Sometimes, finding abnormalities in the physical examination and finding no changes on CT or MRI is indicative of a concussion.

The treatment of concussion or mild brain trauma may simply involve a physical and mental rest of the brain. The individual lies down as much as possible and sleeps as much as possible. You need to awaken a sleeping person with concussion every few hours to make sure he or she isn't in a coma or worse. Physical therapy or occupational therapy may be necessary to make up for the deficits in functioning of the individual. Vocational therapy is reserved for those who have lost the ability to function at their maximum state. Regular cognitive therapy can get at post-concussive depression, which is common after a major or minor head trauma. Acupuncture is sometimes done to restore brain function. There are no real medicines, except for pain medications for headache, which can actually turn around the problem of brain dysfunction secondary to concussion.

There is always a risk of what's known as second impact syndrome. This occurs when the individual suffers a second traumatic injury before the brain has fully recovered from the first injury. The second injury becomes more dangerous than the first injury. Prevention of a first or second injury includes the wearing of helmets when biking, playing sports or engaging in any activity that predisposes one to getting a concussion from striking the head or fall.

Brain Injury Solicitors

If you would like legal advice at no cost about claiming compensation for concussion just use the helpline, complete the contact form or email our solicitors offices and a specialist personal injury solicitor will telephone you with no further obligation. Following a review of the circumstances of the injury and of the medical records you will be advised whether you have a reasonable claim and if so, what steps you should take to protect your legal right to receive compensation. All of our Mild Traumatic Brain Injury solicitors use no win no fee arrangements to represent their clients which means that if your Mild Traumatic Brain Injury solicitor doesn't achieve settlement then he doesn't get paid his professional costs and the client does not receive a bill for legal costs.

HELPLINE: ☎ 1800 633 634