Negligence Solicitors
Neonatal Conditions
Birth Injury


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Klumpkes Palsy Solicitors - Medical Negligence Compensation Claim Lawyers

Klumpkes palsy often results from a traumatic birth where excessive traction was used which in most circumstances amounts to medical negligence. If you believe that your child was injured as a result of a medical error our Klumpkes palsy solicitors offer free advice without any further obligation. Just use the solicitors helpline or email our lawyers offices or use the contact form and a Klumpkes palsey solicitor will call you with information about how to protect your childs legal right to claim compensation.

Our medical negligence solicitors have offices situated in Adelaide, Canberra, Melbourne and Sydney. Do yourself justice - give us a call.

Klumpkes Palsy

Klumpkes palsy is caused by injury to the brachial plexus which is a network of nerves that run from the neck, across the shoulder and down the arm that control movement of the fingers, hand and arm. Klumpkes palsy specifically relates to damage caused to the seventh and eighth cervical and first thoracic nerves which results in a limp hand and motionless fingers. Klumpkes palsy may be associated with Horners syndrome which causes a droopy eye and small pupil size. If this condition is caused by medical negligence, a Klumpkes palsy solicitor may be able to claim compensation on behalf of the child.

Risk Factors

Klumpkes palsy which is associated with brachial plexus injury mainly arises in cases where recognised risk factors are ignored or in cases where there has been a failure to adequately deal with shoulder dystocia. In both cases the problems that arise can be resolved by an urgent caesarean section if the recognised protocols have failed to resolve the situation. It is therefore incumbent on healthcare practitioners to plan in advance and arrange a caesarean section that may or may not be necessary in the presence of recognised risk factors and to arrange a caesarean section with urgency in the case of shoulder dystocia.

Clinical Protocols

Shoulder dystocia which may lead to Klumpkes palsy is a medical emergency requiring immediate action, failing which a child may suffer from a brachial plexus injury in the event of the application of excessive force alternatively delay in delivery may cause brain damage or death due to oxygen starvation. There are established medical protocols for the relief of shoulder dystocia :-

  • applying moderate horizontal traction
  • deliberately breaking the infants clavicle
  • cutting a very deep episiotomy
  • caesarean section
  • deliberately breaking maternal pubic bone
  • McRoberts Manoeuvre
  • applying pressure to the pubic area
  • repositioning the mother
  • repositioning the infant

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The author of the substantive medical writing on this website is Dr. Christine Traxler MD whose biography can be read here