Dermabrasion Chemical Peel - Medical Negligence Lawyers
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Dermabrasion, Chemical Peel and Laser Treatment
There are a number of skin procedures designed to resurface the skin and make it smooth again. The procedures have different methods of action and slightly different complications. While most people have good outcomes from these procedures, some people are plagued with temporary or permanent side effects that make the procedures less than successful.
In a Dermabrasion, an abrasive substance, like fine sand, is used to power wash the facial area so that it is smooth and beautiful. Other names for dermabrasion include surgical skin planing and skin resurfacing.
Typical complications include redness to the face, swelling, acne flare up, scarring, increased sensitivity to sun, and increased coloration to the skin. Cold sores can flare up and be more obvious. Complications that are rarer include prolonged redness of the skin, permanent scarring, loss of coloration to the skin and infection of the skin.
For these reasons, dermabrasion is contraindicated in the following situations: if you have an active case of cold sores or bacterial infection on the skin, recent use of Accutane (within the past year), immune or skin disease, and disease of the blood flow. There can be prolonged healing of the dermabrasion with delayed peeling or prolonged granulation tissue. This can lead to the presence of scarring.
In a chemical peel, an acidic solution is used to peel away a segment of the skin when applied topically.
Complications can happen in the operating room or afterward. The two big surgical errors include incorrect peel pharmacology and accidental solution misplacement. The procedure makes use of trichloroacetic acid and its concentration must be perfect or excessive acidic burning can occur. This is also true if you use glycolic acid or lactic acid. The expiration date needs looking at because the strength decreases over time. If crystals form in the bottle, it can lead to a locally high concentration of solution. Eyes must be protected during the procedure. Postoperative complications can involve local infection of the skin or contact dermatitis.
The provider must see the patient often in order to check for the presence of bacterial infections. Such infections can show up as ulcerations, delayed wound healing, scabbing, crusting and malodorous drainage. Antibiotics can correct this problem, especially when used promptly.
Herpes simplex infections stem from reactivation of the herpes simplex virus around the mouth. If you'vve had a HSV infection in the past, it would be a good idea to use medication to thwart the infection before it gets reactivated. It should be given for up to 14 days to prevent reactivation.
If the wound isn't healing right and there is prolonged healing, it can mean that the skin has become infected. One treatment for delayed healing is corticosteroid use. It treats contact dermatitis or allergic dermatitis. Debridement is one way to handle delayed wound healing in some cases. There are biosynthetic membranes that can be applied to the skin to help healing.
Redness beyond the expected time is a complication of chemical peels. Normally, it gets better in 3-5 days in a light peel; it can fade in 15-30 days in a medium peel; it can take up to 60-90 days in a heavy peel to lose the reddish color.
Laser resurfacing is one of the more modern techniques for smoothing and resurfacing the skin. There are, however, some risks you need to think about. For example, there can be swelling, itching and redness of the skin right after receiving the treatment. The skin will end up becoming swollen. Redness usually gets better within 12 weeks; however, some patients will see prolonged redness for several months.
The CO2 lasers used in laser surgery can go too far and burn the skin. It is more common on extremities and chest which have fewer sweat glands than on the skin. Acne breakouts seem to happen more often during laser treatments. Some patients can take Accutane to prevent these sorts of flare ups.
Other complications include skin infection, discoloration of the skin, and scarring of the superficial cuticle layer.
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The author of the substantive medical writing on this website is Dr. Christine Traxler MD.