Sexually Transmitted Disease - STD Medical Negligence Lawyer
If you have been injured by a healthcare professional including a doctor, dentist, nurse or technician and would like to speak to a medical negligence lawyer without further obligation, just use the helpline. A Sexually Transmitted Disease medical negligence lawyer who deals exclusively in personal injury claims will speak to you, giving free advice and information on how best to preserve your legal right to receive compensation as a result of injuries caused by medical negligence.
Our STD medical negligence lawyers have solicitors offices situated in Adelaide, Canberra, Melbourne, Sydney.
Sexually Transmitted Diseases STD
STDs are common diseases. Too many teens and young people forget that they have to take part in preventing sexually transmitted diseases. Casual sex is common among teens and many people believe that “hope is a method” when it comes to avoiding sexually transmitted diseases. STDs come out of contact with a sexual partner. The contact may be anal, oral, and vaginal or hand to genital contact. An organism is passed through these methods and a disease is created. STDs are transmitted through safe sex practiced by both partners.
It is vitally important that the attending physician know all about the symptoms and side effects of STDs because some have side effects that are permanent and life threatening. These are some STDs doctors should learn about and make sure not to mis-diagnose:
- Gonorrhea: This affects over 50,000 new patients per year. Colloquially, it is called “the clap”. It is a bacterial infection, well treated with antibiotic. It spreads up the male urethra or the female vagina, leading to burning on urination or a penile discharge primarily. Women have subtle urinary symptoms.
- Hepatitis B or C affect more than 100,000 patients in Australia, despite the fact that Hepatitis B infections are easy to come by. Untreated hepatitis B leads to cirrhosis and possible liver cancer. The same is true for hepatitis C. The initial stage of hepatitis B or C usually has no or few symptoms and symptoms of jaundice, abdominal bloating and muscle pain are generally end-stage symptoms.
- Syphilis is a bacterial infection that lives usually in the genital tract. It occurs when direct sexual contact happens to sores on the rectum, mouth, vagina or the skin around the genitals. The disease is still present when the sores resolve. Symptoms are few with the exception of the sores. It can lead to involvement of the brain and loss of cognition.
- Chlamydia is a bacterial infection that attacks the female cervix and the male urethra. Women, especially have few symptoms for months or years and will still be infective. It is a common cause of infertility or tubal pregnancies. Doctors should pay attention to a thick, discolored discharge from the penis or vaginal. It is transmitted through vaginal-penile intercourse with a partner that is infected.
- Human papilloma virus can be a dangerous viral infection that affects the male penis, usually on the outside, and the vagina and cervix in females. It affects 25 percent of sexually active females and it is these infections that cause cervical cancer. Fortunately, many young men and women are getting immunized against Human papilloma virus. They can be checked for in a scraping, such as a pap test and in men, the virus looks like a warty growth.
- Bacterial vaginosis may or may not be an STD but it a common bacterial infection in women who are of childbearing age and who have multiple sexual partners; the vagina become overgrown and unbalance the normal flora of the vagina. The symptoms include vaginal burning and itching. Ultimately, it can lead to pelvic inflammatory disease and preterm birth.
- Herpes viral infection comes in two forms, HSV1, which is usually of the mouth, and HVV2, which is usually of the vagina or male genitalia. To be passed from person to person, it requires skin to skin contact. There may be transmission of the virus if there are no herpes lesions. Herpes symptoms can be managed with antiviral medications but nothing ever kills the virus completely and reoccurrences often happen 2-4 times a year.
- Trichomonas infections are part yeast and part bacterial, when it comes to symptoms. There is a thick discharge that is grey in color and offensive in nature. There is pain and burning during intercourse and chronic itching. It is transmitted between sexual partner by means of contact and intercourse and direct contact. Men have few symptoms.
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The author of the substantive medical writing on this website is Dr. Christine Traxler MD whose biography can be read here